
The Enclosure

How Bedouin living under occupation are forced from home

In the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), an estimated 30,000 Bedouin and herders live in 183 communities in Area C of the West Bank, which is under the complete control of the Government of Israel.

Surrounded by walls, military zones and growing settlements, every aspect of their lives is controlled by Israel. They can’t travel freely and often cannot access hospitals or schools. They live in fear of violence and constant threat of home demolition.

7,000 Palestinians in the central West Bank are at risk of forcible transfer. At times, entire communities are threatened with demolition.

Their lives are subject to the dictates of the Israeli authorities. But the Bedouin stand strong against the threat of removal.

In the 50th year of Israeli occupation, and almost 70 years since they were first forced from home, their struggle has taken a heavy toll.

This is the story of five of those communities, whose commitment to remain on their lands is keeping the dream of peace and a future Palestinian state alive – for now.